Inspired By Jesus
We choose to live according to HIS will by focusing on these Biblical principles:
Matt 28:19 “Go and make disciples…”
Mark 16:15 “Go and preach to all nations…”
Therefore, we teach and equip our students with fundamental Biblical principles while developing their ministry skills. We aim to raise strong Christian leaders, so that they may plant churches and serve people of different cultures, social statuses, and age groups: locally as well as globally.
Our Story
Slavic Missionary Bible School was established in 2005 and was a catalyst for all the programs and schools under the current SMBS Ministries. Our vision is to teach fundamental Biblical knowledge and inspire students to participate in missionary work.
We saw a great need for our Slavic teens to have an unforgettable summer where they can experience group activities, learn life skills and become rooted in the Christian faith. Our Teens Bible School program began in 2012 and has become our most attended program within the year.
After having our original school in session for ten years, we saw our vision of going and making disciples come to reality with the opening of Intensive Discipleship Training program in 2015.
About SMBS
SMBS Ministries Staff

Bogdan Bondarenko
Founder of SMBS Ministries

Victor Sendetskiy
Director of SMBS Ministries

Eli Zhushma
Associate Director

Yana Paliy

Angela Sendetskiy
TBS Representative

Bella Martinov
Program Coordinator

Nastya Bailey
Trip Coordinator

Margarita Yefremov
Public Relations (PR)

Victor Zhilevich

Lexi Akimenko
Media Coordinator

Mark Kovalenko
Choir Director

Dana Sonina
Event Coordinator
SMBS Instructors

Roman Sheremeta
Topic: Apologetics

George Davidiuk
Topics: Spiritual Formation
Preparation for Ministry

Leo Frank
Topics: Survey of New Testament
Life of Apostle Paul

Bogdan Bondarenko
Topics: Personal Relationship With God
Victorious Life Fasting

Viktor Lebedev
Topic: Bibliology: Study of the Bible
Survey of the New Testament

Peter Pipchenko
Topics: Faith and Science
The Christian and Finances
Spiritual Nutrition
Survey of the Old Testament

Russell Korets
Topic: Effective Ministry in the Postmodern Society

Rauli Lehtonen
Topic: Missions and the Missionary Field

Roman Trachuk
Topic: Holy Spirit

Alex Misyukovets
Topic: Homiletics

Boris Shulga
Topic: Evangelism The Gospel

Yuri Doroshuk
Topic: Spiritual Life

Ivan Rusin
Topic: World Religions

Alex Muzichuk
Topics: Prayer & Fasting

Sergey Murza
Topic: Mission Mobilization; Leadership

Gennady Vitorsky
Topics: Christology; Apologetics

Matthew McCluskey
Topic: Identity in Christ

J. Lee Grady
Topic: Missions

Jeremy Henderson
Topic: Missions Mobilization

Jacob Castanon
Topic: Leadership
IDT Instructors

Slavik Cheban
Topic: Spiritual formation

Bogdan Bondarenko
Topic: Fasting

Boris Shulga
Topic: Evangelism The Gospel

Peter Pipchenko
Topic: Spiritual Life

Leo Frank
Topic: The Calling

Matthew McCluskey
Topic: Identity in Christ

Tom Yeakley
Topic: Spiritual Formation

J. Lee Grady
Topic: Mentoring

Alex Misyukovets
Topics: Discipleship in Todays Culture;
The Sabbath

Mark Baxter
Topic: Global Missions

Rocky & Terri Morris
Topic: Marriage & Family

Yuriy Bots
Topic: Discipleship

Andrey Sakhno
Topic: Spiritual Disciplines

Vlad Savchuk
Topic: Leadership

Paul Muzichuk
Topic: Mentoring Relationships

Mark Morozov
Topic: Prayer Life

Yuliya Degtyareva
Topic: Biblical Counseling