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Next Missions Trip! December 11th

Graduation does not mark the end of a graduate’s learning experience but it is only the beginning, a chance to put all their knowledge into practice. Slavic Missionary Bible School has sent over 800 missionaries to Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Cuba, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Nepal, India, and other countries throughout the past 18 years, with approximately 60-70 young people going each year.

We believe it is our responsibility to fulfill the great commission which is to preach the gospel to all nations and to make disciples of everyone that listens and makes that decision to follow Jesus.

Local Missions/Outreach (During Semester)

Preparation for missions begins the day that students step into the classroom. Multiple courses on practical theory are taught throughout the semester including Evangelism, Missions, Apologetics, World Religions and many more. We believe that before one can cross the ocean, he must be willing to cross the street.

There are so many people in need of Christ in our communities! Throughout the semester, we practice local outreach. Students learn to seek out people in need of help in the local church and the community. Every week they minister and pray for people downtown, at the beach and at local shopping centers. Students also serve children in underprivileged communities, visit nursing homes, serve food at the local rescue mission, hold prayers for the city, and participate in several other ministries throughout the semester. It’s our desire that these outreaches will prepare our students by giving them experience and confidence that is crucial on the mission field.

International Missions / Domestic Missions

Each semester, there is a selection of mission trip opportunities that students can sign up for. Once applications are submitted, students are divided into small groups of 6-8 people. Each team is given the training and resources they need to accomplish the mission. Teams are paired with a missions mentor (SMBS) and meet on a weekly basis. Mission trips are typically 1 month, although there are locations that offer longer term opportunities. For those that feel called, there are opportunities to serve long-term or to go through SMBS Ministries as a full-time missionary.

There are churches, organizations and even individual missions that reach out to us, asking to send them student missionaries. We prayerfully consider each request, evaluating the need of the location and the resources and abilities of our students before preparing and sending a team out.

If you would like to invite our Missionary Team, please fill out the “Missions Team Invitation” form.

Missions Team Invitation Link

Ссылка для приглашения команды миссий

Join Us

God is seeking dedicated young people who are willing to leave the comforts of home to serve those desperately in need of the gospel. If you feel God is calling you to missions please consider joining us.

To donate to a Student Missions Team follow the following steps:

Each missions team member is responsible for raising their own funds for missions. Money will be used to pay for housing, food, transportation and ministry on location including purchased supplies for children’s activities, hygiene products, and much more.

Medical Travel Insurance is mandatory and is included in the price of the missions trip.

We suggest using a crowdfunding platform or social media to run an online fundraiser. We cannot provide any tax deductible receipts for any donations made to a crowdfunding platform outside of SMBS. If you are making a donation on behalf of a team and need a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the year, the funds need to be given directly to the organization.

If you would like to help sponsor a student for missions
please contact us for details:

  • Anastasiya Bailey- Field Coordinator

To make a donation via check, please write it out to SMBS with mission team details in the memo. The check can be mailed to:

Slavic Missionary Bible School
Attn: Missions Department
2016 Anniston Rd.
Jacksonville FL, 32246

We believe our mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to build relationships with local communities, provide humanitarian aid, and serve the community by meeting a current need showing them the Love that Jesus would. Ultimately we want to find ways to build bridges and share Jesus.

There are several challenges when reaching different people groups. Some of the barriers to reaching are Cultural Differences, Caste, Religious Traditions, Geographical Location, Language, Common History, and many more. Nevertheless, we embrace the challenge, which often includes rejection and even persecution, in order to reach people with the gospel.

These are the ways we serve and share the gospel and love of Jesus with the world

Children’s Ministry

Children’s programs are a great opportunity to witness to the young generation, who in turn will reach out to their parents. Missionaries spend time getting to know the children by showing them love, care and affection, which many don’t receive at home. They play games, do arts and crafts, and lead activities with kids of all ages but most importantly, they concentrate on telling the children that they have hope for their future through Jesus Christ. Ministry is done through puppet shows, skits, flannel board presentations, and practical Bible lessons.

Youth Ministry

Reaching out to the local youth is important to our teams. Missionaries organize sporting events, bonfires, nature outings, camps, and other activities to engage with the local youth and build friendships. Often, young people have many unanswered questions about religion and God. This gives us the opportunity to direct them to Jesus and show them that a relationship with Christ is at the core of the meaning of life. Many of our groups have started youth clubs. They host many youth events and activities, in an attempt to show young people that there is an alternative to drugs, alcohol and partying. These Christian based clubs have been very successful in providing an environment where youth can freely ask questions about Jesus and the gospel.

Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian help is a very effective ministry method because we are able to show the love of Christ practically to those who need it most. Upon arrival to a village or city, if the government is willing, our group obtains the lists of people who are most in need; this includes the elderly, sick, orphans, and broken families. Help is shown by buying food for the poor, visiting the elderly and sick ones, and giving a helping hand to anyone who asks. These kinds of actions shock the local community because all of the work is done voluntarily and free of charge. They wonder who we are and why we spend so much of our time and finances to help them. We, in turn, embrace this opportunity to tell them about Christ and the plan of salvation.

The Jesus Film & Gospel Films

Another effective method of evangelizing is by hosting Christian movie nights. Each group has necessary video equipment. Almost all locals look forward to such an event, and many even invite friends and family members from neighboring villages. A movie is shown with a deep spiritual meaning and the missionaries do not miss the chance to spread the word of God.

Caring for Orphans

When we have an opportunity, we have our students visit orphanages in the area where they are serving. All over the world there are children who long to belong to a family, to be loved and cared for. Many of the children come from broken households and have had a horrible past needing lots of counsel and discipleship. Our desire is to show them that there is good in this world and that eternal hope can be found in Jesus Christ.


Prior to departure, our teams prepare various methods to share the Gospel. The types of evangelism we do on the field includes one-on-one evangelism, Gospel events, and crusades. Students join existing ministries and assist them in this outreach, or organize their own events.

English Lessons

Often, our teams have the opportunity to teach English lessons to the local community. This is a very practical method and is extremely attractive to the Locals as English proficiency is often in demand. Missionaries use the Bible to teach the language, thus sowing seeds of faith into the lives of many. Our groups prepare English lessons ahead of time and advertise locally, inviting all to attend. They are able to reach different age groups through this ministry and build strong friendships. This is a wonderful method to serve the community and build relationships often times leading to discussions about faith, beliefs, convictions, well beyond the classroom.

Mobile Medical Clinic

One of very effective ways of evangelical ministry is mobile medical clinics. Very often in small villages people do not have access to quality medical care since there are no hospitals or clinics. A great team, which includes doctors, nurses, exhorters, consultants, volunteers, come to a community and help those seeking medical attention. The medical clinic is setup in a way that visitors can also receive prayer and hear the Gospel.

This unique course was designed by SMBS to provide students with as much resources as possible for missions. It includes one week of classroom instruction and one week of training outdoors where missionary conditions are simulated. The content of this course includes descriptions of living conditions on the missionary field, cultural variations, local customs, a large variety of practical methods for evangelizing, team dynamics, personal testimonies of current and previous missionaries and many other tips that are necessary for effectively conducting work on the missionary field.

Our missionary teams are going to the following countries in June 2023

Winter 2023- 2024-