About IDT
This 15 week full time program is designed to guide you in cultivating your personal relationship with God, becoming a firm and committed disciple of Jesus Christ, and equipping you to disciple others. The mission of our program is based on 2 Timothy 2:2.
2 Tim 2:2 (NLT) “You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others”.
The curriculum provides individual attention to each student through spiritual mentorship and small group study. Emphasis is essentially placed on transformation rather than information. The experience is intensive and challenging but at the same time spiritually refreshing and inspiring.
The program is for those who are serious about becoming committed disciples of Jesus Christ whose life goal would be to make disciples of Jesus. We are looking for people who are highly motivated, self-disciplined, ready to be committed and obedient to Jesus. If you are ready to make such a commitment, join us!
- The school semester begins Monday, August 19, 2024 and ends Friday, December 6, 2024.
- Graduation ceremony will take place Saturday, December 7, 2024.
- Students must all attend and participate in the final church service Sunday, December 8, 2024.
- The school semester begins Monday, August 18, 2025 and ends Friday, December 5, 2025.
- Graduation ceremony will take place Saturday, December 6, 2025.
- Students must all attend and participate in the final church service Sunday, December 7, 2025.
- Deeper personal relationship with God
- Discover your identity and calling in Christ
- Develop strong prayer life
- Life of self-discipline
- Christ-like character
- Spiritual maturity
- Love for God’s Word
- Love and compassion for the lost
- Learn to disciple others
- Learn to lead a small group
If you feel God is calling you to attend IDT, do not postpone your decision. You need to take the following steps to register:
- Include a $50 non-refundable application fee.
- Include a $500 deposit. This deposit will be applied towards your tuition. See Tuition Cost page for payment options.
If you apply after July 31st , please include a $100 late registration fee.
Program Cost
The program cost is $4,400 + a $50 non-refundable application fee.
Due with application submission: $550 ($500 deposit and $50 application fee)
- Tuition
- Housing
- Utilities
- Meals (breakfast and lunch Mon-Fri)
- Events
- $50 application fee is non-refundable**
- $500 conditionally refundable** deposit, counts towards program cost
- $3900 balance is due by August 9th, 1 pm EST (late fees apply*)
The tuition cost does not include missionary trip expenses.
Due date: AUGUST 9th at 1 pm EST
- Online
- Balance: $3,900 + $120 (CC fees)
- Pay your tuition balance by logging into your account.
- Go to smbs.org/pay-online >>> Log In >>> Me >>> My Registration >>> Need Attention >>> Pay Balance
- Check
- Balance: $3,900 (CC fees do not apply)
- Checks payable to SMBS
- The envelope must be postmarked on or before the due date above
- Mail the check to SMBS Admissions, 2016 Anniston Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32246
- Zelle
- Balance: $3,900 (CC fees do not apply)
- Send to: accounting@smbs.org
- Memo: Tuition – Student Name
- Please consider that some banks limit the amount you are able to send. Please allocate an additional day to send the full balance.
- Payment Plan
- Balance: $3,900 + $390 (payment plan fee) + $120 (CC fees)
- Fill out a payment plan agreement – contract.
- The first payment of $ 1,102.50 must be made online by the due date above.
- Payment Schedule:
Date | Payments | CC Fee | Comments | Late Fees* |
Deposit | $ 500.00 | $ 0.00 | Paid with your initial application | $ 0.00 |
08/09/24 | $ 1,072.50 | $ 30.00 | Must be paid online, CC fees apply | $ 200.00 |
09/15/24 | $ 1,072.50 | $ 30.00 | CC fees voided w/ cash or check | $ 50.00 |
10/15/24 | $ 1,072.50 | $ 30.00 | CC fees voided w/ cash or check | $ 50.00 |
11/15/24 | $ 1,072.50 | $ 30.00 | CC fees voided w/ cash or check | $ 50.00 |
- $100 late application fee for applications submitted after July 17th, 2024
- $200 late fee for payments processed after August 10th, 3 pm EST
- $50 late fee for monthly payment plan payment past due, see schedule above.
- Application fee – non-refundable.
- Tuition deposit after an official acceptance – non-refundable. Once you have been accepted to the program and you change your mind about attending or your circumstances change, you will NOT receive a refund of your deposit. In the event that your application is denied for various reasons, we will refund your tuition deposit in full.
- Credit card processing fee – non-refundable.
- Late application or late payment fee – non-refundable.
- Payment plan fee – non-refundable.
SMBS program cost is not eligible as an educational institution to issue Form 1098 -T for a tax write-off.
- $100 car discount (discount application)
- Scholarship Application
- Application
- Scholarship Recommendation Letter (must be filled out by a Church Leader)
- $250 LSC Member Discount (Application)
IDT is not just a program where you go through classes and lectures; it is an atmosphere of the presence of God, an environment that is filled with deep desire to know Christ more intimately and to be conformed to His image. It is a place where we seek the presence of God and are transformed by His powerful presence. We want to see you grow spiritually and become more and more Christ-like, and we will do our best to create an environment that will allow you to grow through experiences such as:
- One on one mentoring and counseling with a godly person throughout the semester to help you become a spiritually mature disciple of Jesus.
- Small group sessions where real life issues will be discussed.
- Lecture sessions with a teacher who will challenge you to apply new principles in your everyday life and ministry.
- Daily personal devotions and group prayers.
- Supplemental learning through carefully selected Christian literature.
- Personal and classroom Bible studies that will challenge you to apply Biblical truths in your life and teach them to others.
- Fellowship with teachers and staff outside of class setting in order to learn from wise and godly people and develop lifelong friendships.
Conditions to receive a Diploma of Completion
- The student has to succeed academically in order to receive diploma.
- ALL assignments, exams, projects, practical experiences and forms must be submitted.
- The school holds the right to withhold a diploma from any student who receives three written rule violations or is caught cheating on exams or assignments.
- The school holds the right to withhold a diploma from any student who doesn’t show spiritual growth.
Student Services
Our goal is to help you grow spiritually, obtain a firm foundation, and develop a strong love for God and people. While going through this growing process and adapting to a new environment far from your family, it is our sincere desire that you would feel supported and encouraged.
Our goal is to help you grow spiritually, obtain a firm foundation, and develop a strong love for God and people. While going through this growing process and adapting to a new environment far from your family, it is our sincere desire that you would feel supported and encouraged.
Throughout the learning process, there might come a time when you will be in need of advice, encouragement, or counseling of a spiritual leader. We would like you to know that there are trustworthy people available to listen, offer support, and pray for you individually.
Live Streaming
Don’t forget to let your family and friends know that they can see you online weekly by watching our church services and IDT special events. The Living Stream Church website is: www.lscjax.org
Orientation is mandatory for all enrolled students. The purpose of orientation is to thoroughly familiarize the students with the program, our policies, schedules, extracurricular activities, special events and staff. Orientation information is found on the about tab of the IDT page.
Throughout the learning process, there might come a time when you will be in need of advice, encouragement, or counseling of a spiritual leader. We would like you to know that there are trustworthy people available to listen, offer support, and pray for you individually.
Fundraising Classes
Often you wonder where will you get finances to go on a mission trip. Besides praying for God to provide, you will be able to attend classes that will show you numerous effective methods that will enable you to raise money for your missionary trip, your group and specific missionary projects.
Rules and Regulations
The following rules were designed so that each student is aware of the expectations that we place on them as they prepare themselves for Christian ministry.
IDT staff is concerned not only with academic performance but also with the Christian character development of each student. Please carefully read over and familiarize yourself with each rule before applying to IDT.
1. All students are required to obey the school’s rules, regulations, and administration.
2. As Christians, students must respect the upbringing, views and opinions of others.
3. Students are required to provide the administration with a written explanation for any absence from class, which is to include a specific and acceptable reason.
4. All students are required to be punctual and arrive on time to all in-school and after-school activities and events.
5. Students are required to attend:
a. ALL in-school and after-school activities
b. Attending the scheduled local church, either Living Stream Church or Vision Church
6. Students will bear consequences for every complaint made against them outside of the school such as for misbehavior, inappropriate conversations, violation of dress code or any form of damages.
7. During the duration of the school semester, students are not allowed to work. This includes working full-time, part-time or remotely. Students are not allowed to take online classes unless authorized by administration.
8. Students are not to disturb the discipline established by the instructor or by the administration.
9. Students are required to complete and submit all assignments given by the instructor or administration by the set deadline. Points will be deducted for all late submissions.
10. Cell phone / smart watch use is prohibited during class.
11. Students cannot change their assigned seats in class without permission.
12. Leaving the classroom during class time is not allowed. Students will have 10 minute breaks between class periods and one and a half hour break for lunch and mentorship.
13. Eating is strictly prohibited in the classroom during lecture.
14. Class disruptions that are forbidden:
a. Talking and disturbing others during lectures.
b. Sleeping during lectures.
c. Listening to music during class.
d. Using ANY electronic devices during lectures.
15. Students are responsible for the cleanliness and upkeep of the school building. Those on duty are responsible for the general cleanliness of the classroom, kitchen, and restrooms.
Dress code
16. Students must abide by the following dress code in school and in church:
(1 Timothy 2:9)
a. Should wear casual attire that is appropriate in a professional office or church environment.
b. Skirt and dress length must be below the knee length and may not have a high slit.
c. Shirts must have sleeves. No tank-tops, off shoulder tops, spaghetti straps or tube-tops or crop tops for any activities, and in church.
d. The neckline of any blouse or dress may not show cleavage.
e. Hair must be kept neat, clean and well groomed.
Ladies are not allowed to wear:
a. Destroyed pants or jeans (no rips, slits or torn)
b. No leggings
c. No jeggings
d. No leather pants
e. Extravagant earrings or jewelry, all jewelry must be dainty
f. No Shorts, Flip-flops, Slippers.
a. Should wear casual attire that is appropriate in a professional office or church environment.
b. Hair must be kept neat, clean and well groomed, no longer than shoulder length. No ponytails, man buns or braids.
c. Must wear jeans, khaki pants, or dress pants.
Gentlemen are not allowed to wear:
a. Sleeveless shirts.
b. Sports pants, or ripped jeans.
c. Shorts, Flip-flops, Slippers.
d. Earrings
Both genders:
Throughout the semester, which includes school, school-related activities, church, at home or in the dorm house, students are not allowed:
a. To have facial and/or body piercings
b. To have unnatural hairstyles and colors
c. Hats and headwear are prohibited indoors.
Students must abide by the following dress code for all church services.
Ladies :
a. Must wear a skirt or dress. The length must be below the knee length and may not have a high slit
b. Shirts must have sleeves. No tank-tops, off shoulder tops, spaghetti straps or tube-tops
c. No jewelry when on the stage
a. Must wear dress pants
b. Must wear a polo or collared dress shirt
c. No jewelry when on the stage
17. Every Friday, students are to wear the school t-shirt which will be provided.
18. Students are required to wear their own name tags every day during class and may NOT write on them.
Housing & Transportation
19. Every student is responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of the room or dorm house, which they are provided to live in.
20. Curfew is from 11 PM-5 AM. Lights out are at 11:30 PM.
21. Student must spend the night only in their assigned housing arrangement. Spending the night elsewhere is allowed only with the consent of the administration.
22. Organizing gatherings or parties without the approval of administration is strictly prohibited.
23. Students hold a financial obligation for any damages to school inventory, property, place of lodging, or school cars.
24. Irresponsible/illegal operation of a vehicle is strictly prohibited. It endangers not only your life but those around you.
25. Students are responsible for the cleanliness and neatness of the school building. Those on duty are responsible for the general cleanliness of the classroom, kitchen, and restrooms.
Christian Morals
26. During the course of the school semester, students are not allowed to start dating. This only distracts from your studies and the purpose of being here.
27. Conduct that is strictly prohibited between ladies and gentlemen:
a. Holding hands.
b. Sitting on each other’s lap.
c. Hugging.
d. Kissing.
e. Giving massages.
f. Swimming together.
g. Drive together in a vehicle alone.
h. Having sexual relations.
28. Behavior that is strictly prohibited:
a. Use of vulgar words or expressions.
b. The use of physical force in resolving arguments.
c. Theft.
d. Using or selling alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs, vaping, e cigs or narcotics.
e. Visiting inappropriate internet sites/pages
f. Get a tattoo.
g. Get any piercings.
29. Students are not allowed to:
a. Listen to music or watch movies that contain crude or profane language, sexual and violent content.
b. Visit pornography sites or inappropriate pages.
c. Practice witchcraft.
d. Play video games.
e. Take SMBS vehicle out of Jacksonville.
f. Bringing a pet to the dorm house.
g. Have a firearm/weapon on the school/dorm property.
h. Cheating on exams and any other in-class or out-of-class assignments is strictly prohibited. Lying is unacceptable.
i. Check-in for anyone other than yourself.
j. Post inappropriate pictures online during the school semester or missionary trip.
Financial Obligations
30. Students hold a financial obligation for any damages to school inventory, school or church property, place of lodging or school transportation.
31. The school does not bear any responsibility for medical costs associated with illness, medical condition, trauma, or automobile accident.
32. If a student withdraws from school for any reason or if the student is expelled, he/she will not receive a tuition refund.
Disciplinary Actions
33. Students will bear consequences for every complaint made against them outside of school such as for misbehavior, inappropriate conversations, violation of the dress code or any form of damages.
34. If a student withdraws from the school for any reason or if the student is expelled, he/she will not receive a tuition refund.
35. If a student demonstrates inappropriate behavior, the school administration reserves the right to deny him/her participation in the missionary trip, and will not be responsible for any financial losses that may result.
36. For every violated rules and regulations, the student will face appropriate disciplinary actions. The student will receive a written warning and parents will be notified. The written warning will be permanently placed in the student’s file. After receiving three written warnings, the student will be expelled from the school without a tuition refund. The administration reserves the right to contact church leaders of the student’s home church.
37. In case of outright violation of Christian morals and the Bible with behavior such as fornication, deceit, theft, alcohol, tobacco, or drug use, the administration reserves the right to expel the offender immediately, without a warning.
Conditions to receive a Diploma of Completion
1. The average grade at the end of the program must be at least a C (70% out of 100%).
2. ALL assignments, exams, projects, practical experiences and forms must be submitted.
3. The school holds the right to withhold a diploma from any student who receives three written rule violations or is caught cheating on exams or assignments.
4. Tuition cost is paid in full.

Downtown Jacksonville
Jacksonville is the largest city in Florida by population and the largest city by area in the contiguous United States. It is located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in the northeastern part of the state. With warm temperatures throughout the year and dozens of beaches nearby, Jacksonville has unlimited recreational possibilities.
The city is divided by St. Johns River that flows through the city’s downtown which is lined with skyscrapers and bridges.

Jacksonville Beach Fishing Pier
The Atlantic coast of Northern Florida is a popular spot for surfing, swimming and boating. The Jacksonville Beach Fishing Pier is an accessible spot for fishing, with no license required.

Downtown St. Augustine, FL
One of the closest most historical cities to Jacksonville is St. Augustine. It is located a short 45 minute drive south of Downtown Jacksonville.
This city is the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the continental United States. Jacksonville is also about two hours away from Orlando, a popular theme park spot.
We believe that this program is primarily focused on training and sending every student on the missions field, achieving what Jesus has called us to. We understand there are many factors that can make this difficult, so we look forward to making this goal achievable. To go on a missions trip as a student after graduation, a student needs to have a passing grade, and be in good standing with their disciplinary record.
Short term and long term missions trips will consist of traveling to countries such as Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Napal, Russia, Ukraine, Honduras, Spain, areas of Asia and throughout the US.
For IDT:
You can still attend IDT even if you are not able to go on a missionary trip; however, we highly encourage you to go in order to complete your experience.
Students will not be allowed to go if academic or conduct standards are not met. Mission interviews will be conducted and preference will be given to those that have a passion for ministry, have skills, and succeed academically.
For SMBS and IDT:
Yes, there will be opportunity to go on a mission trip. However the mission trip expenses are not included in the tuition.
For SMBS and IDT:
You will need approximately $200-$300 a month for your personal expenses.
Below are some optional expenses:
- Class photo and student portrait – $20
- Album/Yearbook – $50
- Class sweater or hoodie – $30
- 2 Class t-shirts – Free
For TBS:
You will need roughly $40 a week for personal expenses (ice-cream, fun food, etc).
Below you can find some ideas on raising money for your tuition:
- Car Wash: Involve your church’s youth to help you organize a car wash for fundraising.
- Sales: You can earn money by selling cookies, baked items, lunches, etc. Ask permission to hold such sales at your church, other local churches, or businesses. Ask your friends to help out.
- Local Church: You can ask your church to help cover part of your tuition. With your church’s permission, tell the congregation about SMBS Ministries and your future missionary trip plans.
- Advertise: Many churches print weekly bulletins, have websites, or publish a newspaper. You can include your missionary trip information and have a wonderful opportunity to tell others about your future plans and ways that they can donate.
- Social Media: Use your Facebook or blog page to ask for support. You will be surprised by the results.
- Letters: Sending letters is one of the most effective ways to collect funds for missionary trips. On average, you can receive up to $2,500 by mailing well written letters to approximately 75 people. You think you don’t know 75 people? Think again. Don’t limit yourself by just family and friends. Send out letters to everyone who you can think of: friends, relatives, churches, youth leaders, businesses, teachers, employers, etc.
- Business Sponsorship: Often businesses reserve funds for donations and contributions. Ask your local businessmen to become your partners or to donate money for your missionary trip. Remember, they don’t always have to be Christian to make a donation.
- Partnership: Ask your friends or family members to sponsor you for the time that you are at SMBS Ministries and missions. For example, find several friends who will donate $10, $20, or $50 a month. Give them your bank number so they can just transfer funds or give them your address so they can mail you checks.
The majority of the lectures for the SMBS and IDT programs will be taught by instructors speaking in English and a small percentage speaking in Russian.
The notes, tests and administrative work will be in English.
The entire program for TBS will be instructed and administered in English.
Yes there is a dress code that is enforced for each program.
Please see the Rules and Regulations tab in each of the programs.
To attend the following programs:
SMBS: Students who are 18 years or older.
TBS: Students must be between the age of 14 to 17, inclusively.
IDT: Students who are 18 years or older.
Camp Iceberg: Teens must be between the age of 14 to 17, inclusively.
In short, No.
We condense our programs into a short time frame to maximize the amount of material and activities in the short time of study.
SMBS program includes a choir tour that gives a diversity to the program and the IDT program includes in itself two retreats with students that give a break from classroom settings.
If you have a planned event like a wedding during the semester before applying, contact our office to discuss it beforehand to compare calendars.
Don’t worry. No matter how you arrive to Jacksonville, we will be sure you know where to go.
For SMBS, TBS and IDT:
- If you are arriving by airplane, you must email us your itinerary. We do not accept any verbal arrival information. Please make sure that the date, time, airline company and flight number are included. A school representative with an SMBS Ministries sign will greet you at Jacksonville International Airport (JAX) and take you to your place of lodging. We only provide transportation from JAX airport.
- If you are arriving by car or any other form of transportation, you need to also notify the administration of your arrival day/time and an address to your lodging will be sent to you.
- You do not need to stop at school to sign in, you would go straight to your dorm house.
See List of Items to Bring to SMBS.
See List of Items to Bring to TBS.
See List of Items to Bring to IDT.
You must arrive 2-3** days before the first day of class to get settled and adjust to the new time zone. All students must attend program orientation the day before school starts. Orientation will be approximately 3 hours long. Please only arrive up to three** days before the first day unless you have accommodations to live with someone other than the provided dorm house.
**Exact date that the dorms availability and when our arrival team can pick you up will be sent in the acceptance letter.
SMBS Program
- The school semester begins Thursday, January 9, 2025, and ends Friday, May 23, 2025.
- Mandatory orientation will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
- The graduation ceremony will occur on Saturday, May 24, 2025.
- Students must all attend and participate in the final church service on Sunday, May 25, 2025.
TBS Program
- The school semester begins on Sunday, June 15 – July 12, 2025.
- Mandatory orientation will be held on Sunday, June 15, 2025.
- The graduation ceremony will occur on Saturday, July 12, 2025.
IDT Program
- The school semester begins Monday, August 19, 2024, and ends Friday, December 6, 2024.
- The graduation ceremony will occur on Saturday, December 7, 2024.
- Students must all attend and participate in the final church service Sunday, December 8, 2024